Welcome back to another McPepe Rush.

09 Mar 2023, 03:26
Welcome back to another McPepe Rush! Today WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR GEN 0 MINTING OUT and giving out fabulous prizes to the top thr... FIVE winners that can generate the best Pepe fitting a certain theme. Here are the rules: 1. You will have roughly 2 hours from now to submit your Pepes, submissions close at 12:30am Eastern. 2. One entry per person/wallet. Specify that whatever image you're linking in this channel is your submission please. 3. Your final submission must be related to the theme given for today's challenge. 4. Your final submission must be minted and in your wallet (will be in the NEW Infinite Collection). 5. The winning submissions will be selected by the McPepe McManagers and voted on by the community. 6. No nudity allowed 7. No editing/photoshop allowed, has to be a genuine McPepe that you own 8. Submit in the GAMETIME channel on discord! First place wins $75 in $PEPES, second place wins $50 in $PEPES, third place THROUGH FIFTH PLACE wins $25 in $PEPES. YES YOU HEARD ME, FIVE WINNERS. $PEPES will be important to our project going forward as alluded to earlier today! Today's theme is ANIME PEPE - we're looking at the best anime themed McPepes that you can generate. That means either Pepe as a character from your favorite anime, Pepe in an anime style, or Pepe being illustrated by a manga artist. Pepe Protip: adding tags like "anime", "<specific anime character>", "<name of a specific anime>", "manga" as well as other tags of favorite anime shows and movies will help yield the best results. Example: Pepe powering up, dragon ball z, anime, glowing LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO